Manjaro - 18.1 - awesome - 基本操作・日本語入力 - 共通事項

1. 概要
2. メニューのカテゴリ名を日本語化
3. カスタマイズ前後

1. 概要

 「awesome」の共通的な操作やカスタマイズ方法については、「awesome - 共通事項」をご参照ください。  本環境では、以下の項目を適用しました。 ・画面キャプチャ ・ウィンドウの配置やサイズ ・メニュー  画面キャプチャのキー定義に関する「~/.config/awesome/rc.lua」の記述箇所は

awful.key({                   }, "Print", function () awful.spawn.with_shell("/usr/bin/mate-screenshot")   end,
              {description = "全画面キャプチャ", group = "screenshot"}),
    awful.key({"Control"          }, "Print", function () awful.spawn.with_shell("/usr/bin/mate-screenshot -w")   end,
              {description = "アクティブウインドウキャプチャ", group = "screenshot"}),
 ただし、このディストリビューションでは、何故か、「アクティブウインドウキャプチャ」がうまく起動してくれません。  全画面でなら、起動するので、いったん起動して、「アクティブウインドウ」でとりなおすという面倒なことになりました。  ウィンドウ配置は、「floating」をデフォルトに設定しています。  「~/.config/awesome/rc.lua」の記述箇所は

awful.layout.layouts = {

2. メニューのカテゴリ名を日本語化


vi /usr/share/awesome/lib/menubar/menu_gen.lua

--- Specify the mapping of .desktop Categories section to the
-- categories in the menubar. If "use" flag is set to false then any of
-- the applications that fall only to this category will not be shown.
menu_gen.all_categories = {
    multimedia = { app_type = "AudioVideo", name = "Multimedia",
                     icon_name = "applications-multimedia", use = true },
    development = { app_type = "Development", name = "Development",
                    icon_name = "applications-development", use = true },
    education = { app_type = "Education", name = "Education",
                  icon_name = "applications-science", use = true },
    games = { app_type = "Game", name = "Games",
              icon_name = "applications-games", use = true },
    graphics = { app_type = "Graphics", name = "Graphics",
                 icon_name = "applications-graphics", use = true },
    office = { app_type = "Office", name = "Office",
               icon_name = "applications-office", use = true },
    internet = { app_type = "Network", name = "Internet",
                icon_name = "applications-internet", use = true },
    science = { app_type = "Science", name="Science",
                icon_name = "applications-science", use = true },
    settings = { app_type = "Settings", name = "Settings",
                 icon_name = "applications-utilities", use = true },
    tools = { app_type = "System", name = "System Tools",
               icon_name = "applications-system", use = true },
    utility = { app_type = "Utility", name = "Accessories",
                icon_name = "applications-accessories", use = true }

--- Specify the mapping of .desktop Categories section to the
-- categories in the menubar. If "use" flag is set to false then any of
-- the applications that fall only to this category will not be shown.
menu_gen.all_categories = {
    multimedia = { app_type = "AudioVideo", name = "マルチメディア",
                     icon_name = "applications-multimedia", use = true },
    development = { app_type = "Development", name = "開発",
                    icon_name = "applications-development", use = true },
    education = { app_type = "Education", name = "教育",
                  icon_name = "applications-science", use = true },
    games = { app_type = "Game", name = "ゲーム",
              icon_name = "applications-games", use = true },
    graphics = { app_type = "Graphics", name = "グラフィックス",
                 icon_name = "applications-graphics", use = true },
    office = { app_type = "Office", name = "オフィス",
               icon_name = "applications-office", use = true },
    internet = { app_type = "Network", name = "インターネット",
                icon_name = "applications-internet", use = true },
    science = { app_type = "Science", name="科学",
                icon_name = "applications-science", use = true },
    settings = { app_type = "Settings", name = "設定",
                 icon_name = "applications-utilities", use = true },
    tools = { app_type = "System", name = "システムツール",
               icon_name = "applications-system", use = true },
    utility = { app_type = "Utility", name = "アクセサリ",
                icon_name = "applications-accessories", use = true }
 ついでに、メニューの文字も変えちゃいます。  「MigMix 1M」を使用します。インストールは、「デスクトップ環境構築 - 共通事項 - フォント」をご参照ください。

vi ~/.config/awesome/rc.lua

-- {{{ Variable definitions
-- Themes define colours, icons, font and wallpapers.
-- Chosen colors and buttons look alike adapta maia theme
beautiful.icon_theme        = "Papirus-Dark"
beautiful.bg_normal         = "#222D32"

-- {{{ Variable definitions
-- Themes define colours, icons, font and wallpapers.
-- Chosen colors and buttons look alike adapta maia theme
beautiful.icon_theme        = "Papirus-Dark"
beautiful.menu_font         = "MigMix 1M normal 9"
beautiful.bg_normal         = "#222D32"

3. カスタマイズ前後

 デスクトップ上は、変化がありませんので、メニューのみ。  デフォルトのメニューです。
「Manjaro 18.1 awesome」-「デフォルトのメニュー」


「Manjaro 18.1 awesome」-「カスタマイズ後のメニュー」
